Birdsedge Village Hall
Volunteers Always Needed
This could be you!
in 2019 The Village Hall celebrated fifty years since the village bought back the hall from the YMCA and renovated it, mostly with working parties and the cheapest materials that could be scrounged. Money was short but enthusiasm was high.
On 1st May 2009, the hall reopened after another refurbishment and extensions that cost over £400,000. We got a bigger main hall, better storage, a bar and small meeting room, a professional quality kitchen, toilets that were fit for purpose (including an accessible one with baby change) and an eco-friendly heating system using a ground source heat pump. Money was raised through a variety of donations and small grants from various sources, as well as a big Lottery Fund award. What an achievement!
The Village Hall Committee is very very small and we would really like you to join us to help us create a memorable year of celebration to mark this momentous achievement.
You won't be expected to commit to help at every event or attend lots of meetings.
What do you get out of it?
Meet new people. Make new friends. Get the satisfaction of helping your community.
Anyone interested please contact Roz via email <> or by phone 07854023850. |